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Life insurance

You've seen the commercials − funeral expenses, burial costs and medical bills can add up to a hefty amount. The last thing you want is for your loved ones to shoulder this extra burden.

Life insurance can be used to plan for these final expenses. Permanent life insurance is available in various amounts, so you can pick a death benefit that meets your needs.

Peaceful Retirement

Can the right life insurance policy help you meet your retirement savings goals? Yes, but maybe not in the way you’re thinking. While life insurance agents will try to sell you on the benefits of permanent life insurance that accumulates cash value, such policies usually only make sense for individuals with a net worth of at least $5 million, the threshold where estate taxes kick in after death.

from $29.00
Level of Protection: from $50.000 to $10.000.000
Grace Period: up to 60 days
Hotline Assistance: 24-Hour
Policy Modification: Online
Payment of Benefits: monthly
Service: Best in class

Safe Life

You and your significant other may have planned for a future based on two incomes − but what if one of you passes away unexpectedly? Life insurance can be used to replace the lost income so the survivor can maintain the same standard of living.

from $39.00
Level of Protection: from $50.000 to $100.000.000
Grace Period: up to 60 days
Hotline Assistance: 24-Hour
Policy Modification: Online
Payment of Benefits: monthly
Service: Best in class

Child's future

Life insurance can help fund a college education. If you die, the death benefit may be invested and potentially grow to the needed amount by the time your children reach college age. Feel better knowing that you helped prepare for their future – even if you are not there to see it.

from $69.00
Level of Protection: $500,000
Grace Period: up to 60 days
Hotline Assistance: 24-Hour
Policy Modification: Online
Payment of Benefits: monthly
Service: Best in class

We care about your child's future

f you have a spouse or children who depend on your income or who depend on your “free” services as a stay-at-home parent or homemaker, life insurance should be part of your financial plan. In other words, almost everyone needs life insurance.

Even if you miss out on retirement because of an early death, you’d still like your spouse to be financially secure enough to have a chance at enjoying retirement, right? The least expensive type of life insurance, not just considering your out-of-pocket expense but also considering how much coverage you get for what you pay, is term life insurance.


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Barron’s named our agency a top broker & “Best for in class” in the 2015 Best Online Agency Ranking.

This company never forgets that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression - with investors, with customers, with PR, and with marketing.

Anthony DomanOctober 12, 2015

I think we're successful. I think our customers really like our products. And we're always trying to do better.

Susane JohnsonJanuary 05, 2015